Tuesday 29 May 2012

May 28th, 2012
I had an appointment with my medical oncologist today. It was a video conference (like skype) at our local hospital, so I didn't have to travel to Victoria to see him. He gave me the results from my 3rd heart test (1 echocardiogram and 2 MUGA'S). It still hasn't improved enough to get the drug Herceptin. He made it sound like, if I insisted, I could get it, but it would be risky since my heart is only at 45-50% and if it got worse (a side effect of Herceptin), I could have heart failure, so we decided to wait. In 2 to 3 months I can have my heart tested again, so I will be working harder at exercising and eating well. I also asked him about a clinical trial for the drug, metformin, so I'm waiting to hear back from him, to see if I'm eligible. I haven't talked to the radiation oncologist yet, but I told the medical oncologist that I've decided against radiation.

At this point, unless I get into the clinical trial or get the drug Herceptin, I am back to living a normal life, with the exception of seeing my family doctor twice a year, having mammograms once a year and having plastic surgery. There is no other testing; no blood work, no bone scans, no MRI's, nothing, unless I have symptoms like headaches or bone pain, which could indicate a recurrence or a new cancer from the chemotherapy.

So, back to my family doctor to get another referral to the plastic surgeon. (It takes a few months to get an appointment, and another few to coordinate the surgeon and plastic surgeon, so hopefully I'll have my surgery this fall or winter.) I wanted to wait until at least October, to make sure the inflammation has been healed for a while. Constant inflammation isn't good, it feeds cancer. I may also ask to be referred to a different cardiologist, for a second opinion.

Then 2 more follow up appointments, one with the herbalist and one with the doctor from Inspire Health, to see what they suggest, now that I'm finished chemo.

My hair is still short and really soft, but it's getting thicker. It's so nice and cool when the weather is hot! My eyebrows are starting to come back too, it makes it easier to draw them on, but I was getting good at it. The only thing I really have trouble with, is the eyeliner, it's so much harder to put on when you don't have eyelashes! Hopefully they come back soon too!

Saturday 12 May 2012

May 12, 2012
I had my heart xrays (MUGA scan) done a week ago and I'm crossing my fingers that it's improved. To get the drug Herceptin, my heart has to be above 50%, which I'm hoping for, but I won't be surprised if it isn't. My last MUGA scan was done just before chemo, and I'm only now, 6 weeks after chemo, starting to feel stronger with sprinting and dragon boating. My next appointment with the oncologist is at the end of this month. That's when I get my test results and see what happens next. I emailed him about my port-a-cath and he said the surgeon should take it out now, but I remember one of the nurses in the hospital saying, don't rush to take it out, so I will have to ask him if there's a chance I might need it again, otherwise I'm scheduled to take it out in June. In the meantime, the surgeon wants it flushed every 4 weeks, so I have to make an appointment with the hospital to do that again, hopefully it doesn't matter that it's been 6 weeks! LOL I guess I should have asked the oncologist about it sooner.

I have more energy now, so I started my spring cleaning. It was so hot out today (while I was washing the deck), that I got to wear my new bathing suit! I also went dragon boating 3 times this week. On Friday morning we did a memorial paddle for someone that passed away. It was a perfect day!!! The water was calm, the sky was clear and blue, and it was nice and warm. After we paddled to a spot where we could see Mt. Klitsa, Mt. Arrowsmith and the water bombers, everyone from both boats tossed flowers into the water, it was beautiful!

I'm having to be careful with the warmer weather. I don't have any eyebrows left, so I've been drawing them on, but if I get sweaty or hot, I have to be careful not to rub them off!!! LOL My hair is slowly growing back, it looks and feels like "peach fuzz", it's so soft. I don't know what colour it will be yet, some of it looks like it doesn't have colour, but that may come back, we'll see. I'm also starting to tan my head, that way it won't burn when I don't wear a hat. I guess I'll have a nice short haircut for summer!

I'm still shopping for clothes and loving it... they fit me now!!!