Thursday 2 August 2012

It's been 4 months since chemo and I'm doing great! I am also proud to say, that I have survived my first year!!!  On a recent trip to Las Vegas (us and another couple went to celebrate our 30th anniversaries), I almost got a tattoo, I just couldn't decide what I wanted. I know it'll be something about celebrating life!

My hair is growing like crazy, the numbness in my fingers and toes seems to be gone and my toenails that recently fell off, are growing back. During chemo, I wore "frozen" gloves, so my fingernails weren't affected at all. Just before we went to Vegas, I found out I'm anemic, so my doctor has me doing more tests. I hope it's just from the chemo and goes back to normal quickly. Just in case, I am taking it easy!

The plastic surgeon finally called. I have an appointment to go over the options with him next month and hopefully he'll have an idea of how long before I get a surgery date for reconstruction. As long as it's before next summer, I will be happy. I'm dreaming of all the bathing suits I can buy!!!

I love life, I have so many plans! Next month we fly to Grande Prairie to visit our sons, Gary and Darcy. Then my brother and I have to start planning our trip to the Netherlands and Europe for next spring! I'm also working on another Vegas trip, hopefully for a concert and to see the Grand Canyon! And, I still haven't done the ziplines through the canyon yet, or the glider plane flight over the valley! 
I actually had a haircut before Vegas, just a trim around the ears. This is my 4 month growth!

Monday 2 July 2012

Hi everyone! 
Sorry I haven't blogged for a while, but I have been feeling so good that I thought I would wait until I had more information.

Well, it's been 3 months since I finished chemo and it already feels like a distant memory. I sometimes have moments where I forget I even had cancer. I don't know if it's the "chemo" brain, but it's nice to forget and feel normal again! I still have trouble with my short term memory and staying focused, but it's slowly getting better. The numbness in my toes is gone, but I still have it a bit in a few fingers. I love having short hair, I will have to see how I like it as it grows back, but it's great for summer, it's so easy!!!

I decided not to have radiation treatment (I live at the lake and enjoy the sun, so it would be hard to stay out of the sun after radiation) and I wasn't comfortable with the risks. That means my treatment is finished, so my oncologist told me to see my doctor twice a year for a check-up and have a mammogram taken once a year.

I had my second MUGA scan (heart xrays) and it's still not strong enough for the drug Herceptin (that targets my type of cancer cells), so I will have to take care of myself so I stay healthy on my own. My doctor referred me to an internist for my heart, as my heart specialist didn't give me much information and I needed more information. He told me the heart won't improve, so it's not worth having another MUGA scan (it's a lot of radiation) and he wants to check the heart again in another 6 months with an echocardiogram (ultrasound). He also did some blood tests to check something with the heart, but I haven't heard back from him, so no news, is good news.

I have also started a clinical trial with the drug Metformin (a drug used to keep diabetics blood sugar stable), but I don't know if I'm taking the drug or the placebo (sugar pill). The benefit of being on this trial is that I will be monitored a little more closely and if I have any problems, I will get treated faster. They did some blood tests too, which I don't know the results of yet.

I have asked my physician to refer me to the plastic surgeon again, I had called them at the beginning of May and haven't heard back, so hopefully they will respond now that the doctor has sent another referral. I'm not in a hurry for reconstruction, but would like to go over my options again and get some of my questions answered (I'm pretty sure I want implants), but I'd like to get on the waiting list in case it takes 6 months to get a surgery date.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

May 28th, 2012
I had an appointment with my medical oncologist today. It was a video conference (like skype) at our local hospital, so I didn't have to travel to Victoria to see him. He gave me the results from my 3rd heart test (1 echocardiogram and 2 MUGA'S). It still hasn't improved enough to get the drug Herceptin. He made it sound like, if I insisted, I could get it, but it would be risky since my heart is only at 45-50% and if it got worse (a side effect of Herceptin), I could have heart failure, so we decided to wait. In 2 to 3 months I can have my heart tested again, so I will be working harder at exercising and eating well. I also asked him about a clinical trial for the drug, metformin, so I'm waiting to hear back from him, to see if I'm eligible. I haven't talked to the radiation oncologist yet, but I told the medical oncologist that I've decided against radiation.

At this point, unless I get into the clinical trial or get the drug Herceptin, I am back to living a normal life, with the exception of seeing my family doctor twice a year, having mammograms once a year and having plastic surgery. There is no other testing; no blood work, no bone scans, no MRI's, nothing, unless I have symptoms like headaches or bone pain, which could indicate a recurrence or a new cancer from the chemotherapy.

So, back to my family doctor to get another referral to the plastic surgeon. (It takes a few months to get an appointment, and another few to coordinate the surgeon and plastic surgeon, so hopefully I'll have my surgery this fall or winter.) I wanted to wait until at least October, to make sure the inflammation has been healed for a while. Constant inflammation isn't good, it feeds cancer. I may also ask to be referred to a different cardiologist, for a second opinion.

Then 2 more follow up appointments, one with the herbalist and one with the doctor from Inspire Health, to see what they suggest, now that I'm finished chemo.

My hair is still short and really soft, but it's getting thicker. It's so nice and cool when the weather is hot! My eyebrows are starting to come back too, it makes it easier to draw them on, but I was getting good at it. The only thing I really have trouble with, is the eyeliner, it's so much harder to put on when you don't have eyelashes! Hopefully they come back soon too!

Saturday 12 May 2012

May 12, 2012
I had my heart xrays (MUGA scan) done a week ago and I'm crossing my fingers that it's improved. To get the drug Herceptin, my heart has to be above 50%, which I'm hoping for, but I won't be surprised if it isn't. My last MUGA scan was done just before chemo, and I'm only now, 6 weeks after chemo, starting to feel stronger with sprinting and dragon boating. My next appointment with the oncologist is at the end of this month. That's when I get my test results and see what happens next. I emailed him about my port-a-cath and he said the surgeon should take it out now, but I remember one of the nurses in the hospital saying, don't rush to take it out, so I will have to ask him if there's a chance I might need it again, otherwise I'm scheduled to take it out in June. In the meantime, the surgeon wants it flushed every 4 weeks, so I have to make an appointment with the hospital to do that again, hopefully it doesn't matter that it's been 6 weeks! LOL I guess I should have asked the oncologist about it sooner.

I have more energy now, so I started my spring cleaning. It was so hot out today (while I was washing the deck), that I got to wear my new bathing suit! I also went dragon boating 3 times this week. On Friday morning we did a memorial paddle for someone that passed away. It was a perfect day!!! The water was calm, the sky was clear and blue, and it was nice and warm. After we paddled to a spot where we could see Mt. Klitsa, Mt. Arrowsmith and the water bombers, everyone from both boats tossed flowers into the water, it was beautiful!

I'm having to be careful with the warmer weather. I don't have any eyebrows left, so I've been drawing them on, but if I get sweaty or hot, I have to be careful not to rub them off!!! LOL My hair is slowly growing back, it looks and feels like "peach fuzz", it's so soft. I don't know what colour it will be yet, some of it looks like it doesn't have colour, but that may come back, we'll see. I'm also starting to tan my head, that way it won't burn when I don't wear a hat. I guess I'll have a nice short haircut for summer!

I'm still shopping for clothes and loving it... they fit me now!!!

Tuesday 24 April 2012

April 23, 2012
I am really enjoying being back to work! They're a great group of people and they're always planning fun events. Last weekend I went with 3 co-workers to attend a cancer fundraiser at the new Langley BMW dealership. (Cure is the new black, a black and white attire event, hosted by What an experience!!! We met Trevor Bird, from Top Chef Canada, who was cooking appetizers for us. We were treated to mixed music by 4 different DJ's. Two of them were the top 2 DJ's in Canada (Headspin and Skratch Bastid), as well as the DJ for Jay-Z (I didn't care for the rap as much). I don't think I've ever danced that long, the songs are all blended together, so it's like an hour long song that each DJ plays. There were male dancers too,  they were the best, so amazing to watch.

April 20, 2012
It may have taken longer to recover this time, but I feel so good right now, that I can't believe my last chemo was only 3 weeks ago. Maybe it's the chemo brain, but if I don't look in the mirror and see a bald head, I could almost forget that I had chemo, or cancer for that matter.

I went paddling (dragon boating) with my team this week. I did much better than I expected, but what I didn't expect, was to have such a sore butt afterward! Hopefully I'll be paddling again next week, it's so refreshing. It's a physical sport, but it's also great for the mind as well. If you have any stress, you forget it as you're paddling together as a team and enjoying the fresh air. I'm continuing to walk, but I'm trying to get in the occassional sprint now that my energy is back. I'm trying to get my heart stronger for my MUGA scan (heart test) in a couple of weeks. My supplements (vitamins) have changed since the chemo is finished and that may help too. Instead of acupuncture, I'm having regular Reiki massage, it's so relaxing, I almost fall asleep.

April 11, 2012
On my last post, I couldn't sleep because I had stomach pains, I'm glad they weren't as bad as with the first chemo though. The next day I didn't want to eat and that helped, but in the evening I was so hungry, I ate 3 bowls of homemade soup! The next day was better, except for the heartburn, but it went away after I had a couple of glasses of warm water with apple cider vinegar.

I am noticing that I don't remember things very well (chemo brain), so I write everything down, I just wish I would remember to look at the list! lol I remembered I had yoga in the morning, but by the evening I forgot and missed it.  

Monday 9 April 2012

April 8, 2012
I started feeling better Friday (I had a great lunch with the girls from work), but since yesterday, I've been feeling really good!!! Yesterday was a beautiful, warm, sunny day. My brother Gordon and his family came to visit and they brought me beautiful flowers.

It was only a week, but it felt like forever. I really struggled with food this time. Nothing seemed to taste good and when I found something that did, it didn't taste good the next time. I had to eat constantly to make my stomach feel better and for the first time I gained weight after chemo.

No rash this time, so I'm happy about that. My eyebrows are starting to get thinner, I have to colour in the spaces, but I still have some eyelashes, so that's good. I'm no longer reaching for the shampoo to wash my hair, I've broken myself of that habit and I quite enjoy not having to wash, comb, dry or style my hair. I either throw on a tuque, hat or wig and I'm done! The tips of my toes in both feet are tender now (the chemo affects the nerves), but it shouldn't get worse and will eventually go away.

My next heart test is a month from now, but I'm hoping I can postpone it for 2-3 months. It would give me time to get healthy again and then work to improve my heart with diet, exercise and supplements. In my first heart test, the left ventricle was pumping at 40-45% and in the second test, it was at 49%. If I can get it over 50% (not sure how much over), I will be given the drug Herceptin, which targets the type of cancer that I have.

I got a surprise gift... two of the cool, new, hundred dollar bills! Thank you Arlie and Irene for passing on your winnings to me! I'm so spoiled! I'll have to same them for something special!

I feel so fortunate to have such great friends and family! Your continuous support throughout this ordeal is empowering. It helps to keep me in good spirits and that makes it easier to remain positive! I can't thank everyone enough!!!

Saturday 31 March 2012

March 31, 2012
Yesterday was my last chemo, YAY!!! I am so thankful it was only 4 treatments! The day went well, it was sunny on the way to Nanaimo, rained while I was having treatment, and then sunny again when we got back to Port Alberni. I had a great visit from a friend I used to work with, it was inspiring, she's a cancer survivor and she looked amazing. It was so nice to talk with her and share our experiences, plus she brought me a gorgeous plant, a Helleborus-Pink Frost. It's so pretty, it reminds me of the flowers on the Pacific Dogwood tree, which I love so much!

The taste changes and upset stomach started on day one this time, last night. Hopefully it still only lasts 4 days, I will just have to make sure I eat often and watch what I eat again. I started today well, went for a walk and a bit of a jog this morning (it was a bit cold, but no rain, thankfully), and I feel a bit better already.

The problem I had with dry and watery eyes, is better now. The doctor said it might have been caused by allergies (to the pollen in the air), not the chemo. I was told that my hair should start growing in a few weeks, but a friend told me hers took a few months, so we will see. It would be nice to have a bit of hair for the summer, then I won't have to wear my wig (I think it will be too hot in the sun), although I have a few hats now. It will be interesting to see if it comes back curly or straight and what colour, hopefully not all grey! I guess I'll just have to have fun experimenting with colour then! LOL

In the next 2-3 weeks I will be hearing from the oncologist in Victoria, he will set up an appointment to go over the next step, probably checking the heart to see if it's strong enough for the drug Herceptin and asking if I want radiation. I'm hoping I have some time to start doing sprints or running a bit to strengthen my heart before the next MUGA scan (it's like a CT scan, a series of xrays that show the pumping action of the left ventrical). I'm hoping we have a nice spring (bring on the sun!), it's so much nicer to do my walking, sprinting and running outside! Plus I've got more energy compared to last spring, I'd love to get some outside landscaping done!

Saturday 24 March 2012

March 24, 2012
I had a nice relaxing acupuncture appointment today, then I went to work for a few hours. I didn't work long though, it was too nice out. Kind of like this part-time work!

Last week I had my first Reiki massage (she did some reflexology with it too) and I really enjoyed that. I'm going for 2 hours next time! Next Tuesday I have my weekly physio (with auricular acupuncture) in the morning and then I'm trying a different yoga class that night. It should be fun, there's a few girls from work going. Now all I have to set up is my next lymphedema drainage massage. (It's a preventative massage to train the body to drain the fluid away from the arm where the lymph nodes were removed)

A couple of the chemo side effects have been more noticeable lately, hopefully it's only temporary and goes away after I'm done! My eyes seem to be watering a bit more. I think they're dry from the chemo, so I keep blinking to moisten them and then they water. It makes it hard to see sometimes. I'll have to look for some "artificial tears" and see if that helps. I'm also getting a slight bit of nerve tenderness on the tips of my toes on my left foot, but only when I bump or touch them. The right foot started first, but it was different, it was more of a numb tingly feeling. Good thing it's not all day long like the watery eyes, that's more annoying! I wear "frozen gloves" during the chemo to keep my hands cool, it helps to prevent nerve damage in my hands, maybe I should wear them on my feet too! LOL

As long as it doesn't get worse, it's not that bad. I am so happy that I feel so well!!!

Monday 19 March 2012

March 19, 2012
The first 2 days were great, but I had an upset stomach a little sooner this time, it started on the 3rd day. I was able to eat often, so I didn't lose much weight this time and it only lasted 4 days. My energy was pretty good too, I didn't need a nap unless I stayed up too late the night before! LOL

The first chemo I got an itchy rash on my back and the second chemo I got it on my head, but this time I hardly had anything at all, just a few spots on the back of my head... so glad about that!

I had a great time celebrating a friend's birthday after work last Thursday. I was fine, but my tongue suffered a bit from all the "hot wings". It was worth it though, they tasted so good! Then I went out again for the real 50th birthday party on Saturday, she was really surprised! It's so much fun going out and feeling normal!!!

I probably won't post anything for a while, I feel so good and I don't expect that to change until my next chemo on March 30th. My last one!!! YAY!!!


Friday 9 March 2012

March 9, 2012
Had my 3rd chemo session today, now there's only one left!

Everything went really well, I'm even getting used to the steroids. I have to take them the day before, the day of, and the day after chemo, so I take more melatonin on those days. That makes it easier to sleep! I also try to take it easy, because I have more energy and I don't want to overdo it or I'll "crash" when I'm finished taking them.

Had fun shopping too!!! It's my treat for doing chemo and to make me feel better because I didn't get to go the the awesome Canuck game or convention with my co-workers!!! I bought another bathing suit, size 6!!! Loving that... hehehe, even though it was a big 6! I also bought another top and some more yoga pants and some really cute baby clothes. Can't wait to find out what you're having Melissa!

Hopefully I do as well or better than last time. I expect to be fine for the next 3 days at least so you may not here from me!

Sunday 4 March 2012

March 4, 2012
I haven't posted anything lately because I've been feeling so great!

The itchy rash on my head is healing well. I tried something from the naturopath for it, but a friend suggested Gold Bond medicated lotion and that worked better, it took the itch away. If I get a rash next time, I'm prepared!

I had a great visit with my sons while they were here; so glad they came. Now I'm a bit bored and hope someone needs me to work!

My next chemo is Friday March 9th at 9:45am.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

February 21, 2012
Today was even better yet! I went for a walk first thing (Inspire Health told us this helps) and I felt so much better. Then I went for another walk mid-day and felt even better yet! I'm hoping I'm normal by tomorrow... and the best part is, I didn't feel as tired this time.

I have an appointment for acupuncture tomorrow (also suggested by Inspire Health) with the naturopathic doctor. Hopefully she has a suggestion for the itchy rash on my head. Last time I had it on my back and it's so itchy, I can't stop scratching it. Otherwise, I'm checking the health food stores for Wedderspoon 100% organic Manuka honey. It's supposed to kill bacteria, so maybe that will help!

February 20, 2012
I had an upset stomach today, but only mild discomfort, not painful like last time! I think it helped that I went on the BRATT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast and tea) as soon as I noticed the funny metallic taste I had last time. I rested all day and I ate all day, it helped to settle my stomach.

February 19, 2012
I did well with the injection, I didn't feel a thing and I felt good that night, no dizziness! I think it helped that I didn't have to travel to Nanaimo this time.

Saturday 18 February 2012

 This is the wig I bought.
 Side view. 
My new look.
I also went clothes shopping and bought a new bathing suit and a new top, can't wait to wear them!

Well, February 16th was my second chemo session and I am feeling great at this point. Tomorrow is the day I inject myself with a drug to bring up my white blood cells, and hopefully I don't get a sore stomach  this time! I've got some distractions, both my sons are visiting from Alberta right now, so that may help!

Wednesday 8 February 2012

The job loss is temporary, just like the hair loss! 
Maybe I'll get some temporary work, just like my temporary hair!

I got Ches to shave the rest.  
Now I can add some temporary hair.
Or a scarf.  
Or "bangs" that attach to my toque with velcro!
I want to go shopping for more, I may as well have some fun with it!

Tuesday 7 February 2012

February 7, 2012
I lost my job yesterday and I lost my hair today! Still feeling great though, I think the sunny days helped!

So, I'm available for work if anyone needs me and I can wear whatever hair colour you like. lol

Sunday 5 February 2012

February 5, 2012
I haven't posted anything because I've been feeling great. I imagine I will stay this way now until my next chemo on Feb. 16th.  I'm starting to lose some hair now, so it won't be long before I'm wearing scarves, hats and my wig!

Thursday 2 February 2012

Another good day!!!
Before and after photos.

I got my hair cut short so it's easier when it falls out!
I like the sunset in the window of the top photo!

Tuesday 31 January 2012

January 31, 2012
Much better today, my stomach is still tender, but everything is feeling more normal! Taking it easy though!

January 30, 2012
Stuck to Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast and Tea today!  Was pretty sore when I was hungry, when I ate and afterward too, but started getting better by the end of the day! The oncologist called to check on me, said that it's the chemo causing the symptoms and everything should start getting better soon.

Sunday 29 January 2012

January 29th, 2012

Still had stomach pain yesterday, and some intestinal problems, but it was a little easier to eat! Chelsea made me a nice vegetable soup... mmm!

A little more energy and less bone pain today, but still have problems with my stomach and bowels. Had to call the oncologist to check on my bleeding nose and I asked about the itchy red bumps on my back, along with my other symptoms. He said it might be from the steroids (used to prevent an allergic reaction to the chemo), but if things don't get better by tomorrow, to go to my doctor. So thankful I don't have nausea yet!!!

Friday 27 January 2012

January 27th, 2012

Had to use some natural medication to get rid of the stomach pain today, helped me eat and sleep too!
The doctor prescribed something to make me want to eat, but it won't be in till Monday, might just continue with my natural medication if it continues to work.
Rested a lot today... and I'm thankful Rocky makes me go outside once in a while, the walk and fresh air is good too, don't know if I'd do it without him making me!
Went to my first yoga with Dr. Jeannie Doig... nothing like some good yoga and meditation!

January 26th, 2012

Yesterday was a full day, maybe too full!
Went to Nanaimo hospital to have them observe me self-injecting (to bring my white blood cells up) for the first time, was much easier than I thought.
Then I participated in the "Look Good, Feel Better" program where they teach you how to do your make-up and wigs for when you lose your hair... scored a lot of expensive, free make-up!!! Very nice!
Went to Costco to buy some yoga pants and bought myself a Vita-Mix blender!!! Another bonus!
After that I was pretty tired and my stomach didn't feel so well, so Chel had to drive home!

Wednesday 25 January 2012

January 25, 2012
Another good day!
I haven't had to take any anti-nausea medication yet, but meat does smell a bit different to me now. 
I got a wig today too!
January 24, 2012
Everything went well today too! I didn't have any nausea, only a slightly heightened sense of smell. I think I will increase my melatonin though, I need to get to sleep!

Tuesday 24 January 2012

January 23, 2012
It was an exciting first day of chemo! It started out well, my appointment wasn't until 2:30pm, I had lots of time to get ready... or so I thought. As I'm heading out early (11:30am) I asked Ches to check the time on the calendar, only to find out it was for 12:15pm! With adrenalin flying we made it to the Nanaimo Cancer Clinic by 12:35pm. My stress started to climb as there wasn't a parking spot to be found. It was quickly relieved when I found a 15 minute spot, ran into the clinic and found out they weren't worried at all. After another 10 minutes of driving around we find an off road spot in the parking lot... good thing for 4X4's! Then I was calm again and the rest was a breeze.

I sat in my comfy chair, watched some TV, read my book, chatted with Chel and met a few really nice people. The nurse gave me anti-nausea medication before chemo and I haven't had to take anything since, hopefully tomorrow will be the same!