Monday 9 April 2012

April 8, 2012
I started feeling better Friday (I had a great lunch with the girls from work), but since yesterday, I've been feeling really good!!! Yesterday was a beautiful, warm, sunny day. My brother Gordon and his family came to visit and they brought me beautiful flowers.

It was only a week, but it felt like forever. I really struggled with food this time. Nothing seemed to taste good and when I found something that did, it didn't taste good the next time. I had to eat constantly to make my stomach feel better and for the first time I gained weight after chemo.

No rash this time, so I'm happy about that. My eyebrows are starting to get thinner, I have to colour in the spaces, but I still have some eyelashes, so that's good. I'm no longer reaching for the shampoo to wash my hair, I've broken myself of that habit and I quite enjoy not having to wash, comb, dry or style my hair. I either throw on a tuque, hat or wig and I'm done! The tips of my toes in both feet are tender now (the chemo affects the nerves), but it shouldn't get worse and will eventually go away.

My next heart test is a month from now, but I'm hoping I can postpone it for 2-3 months. It would give me time to get healthy again and then work to improve my heart with diet, exercise and supplements. In my first heart test, the left ventricle was pumping at 40-45% and in the second test, it was at 49%. If I can get it over 50% (not sure how much over), I will be given the drug Herceptin, which targets the type of cancer that I have.

I got a surprise gift... two of the cool, new, hundred dollar bills! Thank you Arlie and Irene for passing on your winnings to me! I'm so spoiled! I'll have to same them for something special!

I feel so fortunate to have such great friends and family! Your continuous support throughout this ordeal is empowering. It helps to keep me in good spirits and that makes it easier to remain positive! I can't thank everyone enough!!!


  1. I can't thank you enough for sharing your journey. I am glad you have family and friends to support you... I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that you have been such an encouragement to us!

  2. The support has been amazing! Thanks Melissa!
