Monday 2 July 2012

Hi everyone! 
Sorry I haven't blogged for a while, but I have been feeling so good that I thought I would wait until I had more information.

Well, it's been 3 months since I finished chemo and it already feels like a distant memory. I sometimes have moments where I forget I even had cancer. I don't know if it's the "chemo" brain, but it's nice to forget and feel normal again! I still have trouble with my short term memory and staying focused, but it's slowly getting better. The numbness in my toes is gone, but I still have it a bit in a few fingers. I love having short hair, I will have to see how I like it as it grows back, but it's great for summer, it's so easy!!!

I decided not to have radiation treatment (I live at the lake and enjoy the sun, so it would be hard to stay out of the sun after radiation) and I wasn't comfortable with the risks. That means my treatment is finished, so my oncologist told me to see my doctor twice a year for a check-up and have a mammogram taken once a year.

I had my second MUGA scan (heart xrays) and it's still not strong enough for the drug Herceptin (that targets my type of cancer cells), so I will have to take care of myself so I stay healthy on my own. My doctor referred me to an internist for my heart, as my heart specialist didn't give me much information and I needed more information. He told me the heart won't improve, so it's not worth having another MUGA scan (it's a lot of radiation) and he wants to check the heart again in another 6 months with an echocardiogram (ultrasound). He also did some blood tests to check something with the heart, but I haven't heard back from him, so no news, is good news.

I have also started a clinical trial with the drug Metformin (a drug used to keep diabetics blood sugar stable), but I don't know if I'm taking the drug or the placebo (sugar pill). The benefit of being on this trial is that I will be monitored a little more closely and if I have any problems, I will get treated faster. They did some blood tests too, which I don't know the results of yet.

I have asked my physician to refer me to the plastic surgeon again, I had called them at the beginning of May and haven't heard back, so hopefully they will respond now that the doctor has sent another referral. I'm not in a hurry for reconstruction, but would like to go over my options again and get some of my questions answered (I'm pretty sure I want implants), but I'd like to get on the waiting list in case it takes 6 months to get a surgery date.

1 comment:

  1. You are looking great!... glad that you are feeling great too. We will hopefully be out for another visit in September so looking forward to seeing you then or whenever you are in our neighbourhood!
